Thursday 2 June 2016

More Space…in Space

How do you create more space…in space? The Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) is one solution to creating additional working space on the International Space Station.
BEAM will be deployed to its full size this Thursday, May 26, and begin its two-year technology demonstration attached to the space station. The astronauts aboard will first enter the habitat on June 2, and re-enter the module several times a year throughout the test period. While inside, they will retrieve sensor data and assess conditions inside the module.

Why Use an Expandable Habitat?

Expandable habitats are designed to take up less room on a spacecraft, but provide greater volume for living and working in space once expanded. This first test of an expandable module will allow investigators to gauge how well it performs and specifically, how well it protects against solar radiation, space debris and the temperature extremes of space.
BEAM launched April 8 aboard a SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft, and is an example of our increased commitment to partnering with industry to enable the growth of commercial use of space.

Get Involved!

During expansion, we will provide live Mission Control updates on NASA Television starting at 5:30 a.m. EDT on Thursday, May 26.

Make your own origaBEAMi!

To coincide with the expansion, here is a simple and fun activity called “origaBEAMi” that lets youbuild your own miniature inflatable BEAM module. Download the “crew procedures” HERE that 

A Lab Aloft (International Space Station Research)

Science in Short: A Milestone in Human Research

Posted on  by .
Lead Expedition Scientist Yuri Guinart-Ramirez presented the following research highlights at the 45 Soyuz Return/47 Soyuz Launch And Dock Stage Operations Readiness Review held on June 2.
European Space Agency (ESA) Tim Peake, performs Ocular Health fundoscope exam aboard the International Space Station. Credits: NASA
European Space Agency (ESA) Tim Peake, performs Ocular Health fundoscope exam aboard the International Space Station. Credits: NASA
We know human spaceflight is entrenched with dangers and risk to our astronauts, from their vision and eye health, to their musculoskeletal system and immune system, among many other risks. Did you know that out of 36 long-duration crew members, there were 15 clinical cases detected with issues related to vision? In other words, 41.6% of long-duration crew members developed vision issues with various degrees of symptoms. That is a high percentage. Understanding these and the many other effects that microgravity has on the body is key for us to continue to venture beyond low-Earth orbit and be more successful on long-duration spaceflight. We want to go further into space, and so we must answer these fundamental medical issues and continue develop more effective countermeasures.
The good news is that we are getting a little closer.
The upcoming return of 45S will mark the completion of the in-flight portion for four NASA investigations in the Human Research category – Ocular HealthCognitionSalivary Markers andMicrobiome; and that is big milestone. Once the post-flight baseline data collection takes place, we will have completed the required number of subjects for these four investigations. It takes a long time to complete the number of subjects required for Human Research investigations – it’s usually years in the making – so this is a big milestone.
Cognition will help us understand how the physical changes related to spaceflight such as microgravity, stress, and lack of sleep can affect cognitive performance. The results can lead to more effective ways of measuring the effect on cognitive ability during long-duration spaceflight.
NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren works through 10 cognitive tests developed to test how spaceflight affects mental abilities. Credits: NASA
NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren works through 10 cognitive tests developed to test how spaceflight affects mental abilities. Credits: NASA
Salivary Markers and Microbiome are both searching for a better understanding of the effect of microgravity on the immune system. Salivary Markers – as the name hints, focuses on saliva. But why saliva? Because our saliva is amazing! Our saliva has antimicrobial enzymes and antibacterial properties that kill some bacteria, and that helps us remain healthy. Immune system dysregulation has been documented during and after spaceflight, but it is not known if these changes increase infection susceptibility or pose a significant health risk to crew members. Salivary Markers is helping us understand that. Microbiome is assessing the immune system by studying the collection of microbes in the body and gut area that also help us stay healthy, and its interaction with its environment. Understanding that micro-universe of microbes, its balance needed to keep us healthy, and its interaction with the space station environment will also help us develop more effective countermeasures.
Of course, these four investigations have a good variety of applications for medical and health issues we face here on Earth. As we prepare to celebrate the safe return of the 45S crew, let us also celebrate the completion of these four Human Research investigations as another stepping stone on our journey beyond low-Earth orbit and healthier long-duration spaceflight.

Commercial Flight Opportunities for the Rapid Development of Space Technology

Commercial Flight Opportunities
for the Rapid Development of
Space Technology

Maturation, and through maturation, adoption of a new and innovative space technology is dependent on the ability to demonstrate the technology in a relevant operational environment prior to mission use. Flight Opportunities seeks to increase the availability and affordability of access to relevant environments by using commercial flight services and employing developmental partnerships with commercial flight service providers.

Leveraging commercial products and services for NASA's mission & technology needs

Through Flight Opportunities, NASA selects promising new space technologies from industry, academia and government, and provides them access to relevant environments for flight testing. This approach takes technologies from a laboratory environment and gives them flight heritage, increasing their Technology Readiness Level (TRL), while also nurturing the development of U.S. commercial spaceflight capabilities, services, and skills.
Our Program has two objectives: 1) Maturate technology payloads from TRL4 to TRL6, and 2) foster growth in the commercial space industry.

Flight Opportunities is part of the Commercial Partners Portfolio of the NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD).

NASA Selects New Technologies for Parabolic Flights and Suborbital Launches

NASA Armstrongcollage featureing flight opportunities program vehicles.
NASA's Flight Opportunities Program has selected eight space technology payloads for reduced gravity flights on board specialized aircraft and commercial suborbital reusable launch vehicles (sRLVs). These flights provide a valuable platform to mature cutting-edge technologies, validating feasibility and reducing technical risks and costs before infusion into future space missions. 
Five of the newly selected proposals requested parabolic flights, which involve a flight maneuver that uses a dramatic half-minute drop of the aircraft though the sky to simulate weightlessness. Two proposed projects will fly on sRLVs for testing during longer periods of weightlessness. An additional payload will fly on both platforms. 
Selected for parabolic flights on aircraft are:
  • “Zero Gravity Mass Measurement Device Parabolic Flight Test” - John Wetzel, principal investigator, Orbital Technologies Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin
  • “Evaluation of the Biosleeve Gesture Control Interface for Telerobotics in Microgravity” –  Christopher Assad, principal investigator, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California
  • “Flight Demonstration of a Gravity-Insensitive, Microchannel Membrane Phase Separator” - Weibo Chen, principal investigator, Creare Inc., Hanover, New Hampshire
  • “PRIME-4.0: Miniaturized and Reusable Asteroid Regolith Microgravity Experiment for Suborbital and Orbital Use” - Josh Colwell, principal investigator, University of Central Florida,  Orlando, Florida
  • “Testing of a Novel IVA (Intra-Vehicular Activity) Space Suit” - Ted Southern, principal investigator, Final Frontier Design, LLC, Brooklyn, New York
  • “Evolved Medical Microgravity Suction Device” - Charles Cuttino, principal investigator, Orbital Medicine, Inc., Midlothian, Virginia
Selected for flights on sRLVs are:
  • “Suborbital Evaluation of an Aqueous Immersion Surgical System for Reduced Gravity” - George Pantalos, principal investigator, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
  • “Suborbital Particle Aggregation and Collision Experiment-2 (SPACE-2)” - Julie Brisset, principal investigator, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
  • “Evolved Medical Microgravity Suction Device” - Charles Cuttino, principal investigator, Orbital Medicine, Inc., Midlothian, Virginia
The selectees’ experiments are expected to take to the skies in 2016 and 2017 on flights with U.S. commercial providers arranged by the proposers. The selected proposals requested parabolic flights from Integrated Spaceflight Services, Inc. and ZeroG Corporation. Suborbital reusable launch vehicle flights were requested from Blue Origin, EXOS Aerospace Systems & Technologies and Virgin Galactic. 
This selection was made through the agency’s Space Technology Mission Directorate Research, Development, Demonstration and Infusion (REDDI) announcement, adding to more than 160 payloads that NASA has chosen for test flights through the Flight Opportunities Program.
The Flight Opportunities Program seeks to advance space technology to meet future mission needs through flight activities that foster the growth of the U.S. commercial spaceflight industry and workforce. NASA will pay for the integration and flight costs for the selected payloads, and limited funds will be provided for other costs to facilitate the flight readiness of these payloads. The next REDDI Flight Opportunities call for proposals will be released in early 2016.
The Flight Opportunities Program, part of NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, is managed at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center at Edwards, California.  NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California, manages the solicitation and selection of technologies to be tested and demonstrated on commercial flight vehicles. 

Technology Development Focus of March 7 Rocket Launch from Wallops

The launch of a suborbital sounding rocket between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. EST, March 7, from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia will carry three new technologies in the microgravity environment of suborbital space.  The backup launch days are March 8 – 12.
Before an instrument or new technology is installed on a spacecraft it should be flight tested and shown that it can operate in the harsh environment of space where it will need to function.
The technologies flying on the Terrier-Improved Orion rocket are the Radiation Tolerant Computer System (RadPC) from Montana State University, Bozeman; the Vibration Isolation Platform (VIP) from Controlled Dynamics, Huntington Beach, California; and Sub-Orbital Aerodynamic Re-entry Experiments-9 (SOAREX-9) from NASA’s Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.
For the RadPC, engineers are looking to increase its technology readiness level by demonstrating it in increasingly challenging space environments.  The system has been tested on commercial high altitude balloons, NASA scientific balloons and commercial suborbital rockets. 
“The computer system uses a novel architecture where spare circuits are brought online to replace other circuits that may have been struck by ionizing radiation,” said principal investigator Brock LaMeres from Montana State.  “The computer is built using off-the-shelf parts so it promises to deliver increased computation at a fraction of the cost of an existing space computer, if we can successfully demonstrate a fault mitigation strategy.”
For the VIP, the flight will demonstrate a vibration isolation device to reduce spacecraft disturbances during microgravity. VIP was also flown on developmental flights on both the space shuttle mission STS-73 and two commercial suborbital rockets.
“The VIP provides a free-floating mounting platform that is completely isolated from the disturbances and vibrations of the host vehicle or other payloads. Non-contact isolation allows the experiment to float freely in the sway space between the host vehicle and the platform,” said principal investigator Scott Green.
“Active stabilization allows the platform to cancel any disturbance from the experiment or connected umbilicals, and allows for precisely controlled acceleration environments uniquely tailored to the mounted payload,” Green said. "For optical payloads, this includes scanning and precision tracking. For g-sensitive research experiments, this includes programmable excitations designed to influence and optimize the research results.”

Much of the SOAREX-9 payload components have evolved from a previous test flight conducted from Wallops in July 2015.
“Wireless Sensor Modules (WSM) are now much smaller and more capable,” said Ames’ principal investigator Marc Murbach. “Also, our camera technology is improved.  In short, this is an incremental test flight of our TechEdSat-5 nano-satellite we plan to deploy from the International Space Station during the summer.”
“SOAREX-9 also will enable us to develop the techniques needed so that when we over-fly Wallops during the TechEdSat-5 mission, we will be able to get optical and WSM data through the downlink directly to the satellite telemetry receivers at Wallops,” Murbach said.
NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate is sponsoring the technologies flown on this flight.
The 448-pound two-stage rocket is predicted to reach 100-miles altitude and impact in the Atlantic Ocean 56 miles from Wallops Island 19 minutes after launch.  Parachute recovery of the payload is planned.
The launch may be seen in the Wallops region from southern Delaware to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.
The NASA Visitor Center at Wallops will be open at 6 a.m. for viewing the launch.
Live coverage of the launch is available via UStream beginning at 6:30 a.m. on launch day. The status also can be followed on launch day on Twitter andFacebook.
The launch is conducted by NASA’s Sounding Rocket Program at Wallops. NASA’s Heliophysics Division manages the sounding rocket program.

NASA Launches Space Technology Development Projects from Wallops

Credits: NASA / Jamie Lee Adkins
A Terrier-Improved Orion suborbital sounding rocket was successfully launched at 7:05 a.m. EST, March 7, from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility.  The rocket carried three space technology development projects. 
The payload with the projects flew to an apogee of more than 99 miles as planned. The payload has been recovered and will be returned to Wallops today. Engineers will then be able to more closely analyze the results from their instruments.
A replay of the launch is available on the Wallops Ustream channel.
The next launch currently scheduled from Wallops is a Terrier-Improved Orion sounding rocket carrying the RockOn/RockSat-C payload at 6 a.m. June 23. 
Keith Koehler
Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia
Last Updated: March 16, 2016
Editor: Patrick Black
Commercial SpaceCollage of current NASA commercial suborbital spaces launch providers.
March 3, 2016

NASA Seeks Suborbital Space Companies to Flight Test Space Technologies

Collage of current NASA commercial suborbital spaces launch providers.
Current commercial suborbital spaces launch providers that are under contract for the Flight Opportunities Program.
Credits: NASA Collage / Monroe Conner
NASA has been working with commercial space companies for several years to deliver astronauts and supplies to the International Space Station. The agency has also sought commercial suborbital space companies to verify the performance of technologies and systems in suborbital space with the goal of reducing the cost and risk of future orbital space missions.
NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate’s Flight Opportunities Program has re-opened itssolicitation seeking to on-ramp suborbital reusable launch vehicle services that will fly NASA internally sourced or NASA-directed research and development technology payloads.  The suborbital flights will provide these payloads exposure to space, reduced gravity or high-altitude environments required to test technology performance and advance technology readiness levels.
NASA awarded the first on-ramp solicitation to Near Space Corporation, Tillamook, Oregon, in September 2015, that joined original vendors Masten Space Systems, Mojave, California; UP Aerospace, Littleton, Colorado; Virgin Galactic, New York City; and World View, Tucson, Arizona, in providing flight services using suborbital launchers and balloons.
The on-ramping solicitation allows for additional suborbital space companies with a proven flight record to qualify as new flight providers for the program. Aircraft microgravity flight services are outside the scope of this solicitation.
Last Updated: March 8, 2016
Editor: Monroe Conner
Sounding Rockets
March 2, 2016

MUSIC Successfully Launched from NASA Wallops

Credits: NASA/Allison Stancil
The Multiple User Suborbital Instrument Carrier or MUSIC payload was successfully launched at 9:50 a.m. today on a Terrier-Improved Malemute suborbital sounding rocket from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility.
The payload flew to approximately 115 miles apogee and preliminary analysis shows good data was received.  Payload recovery is in progress.
The next launch from Wallops is between 7 and 10 a.m. EST, Monday, March 7.  Three space technology payloads will be carried on a Terrier-Improved Orion suborbital sounding rocket.
Last Updated: March 2, 2016
Editor: Patrick Black
Feb. 29, 2016

Technology Development Focus of March 7 Rocket Launch from Wallops

The launch of a suborbital sounding rocket between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. EST, March 7, from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia will carry three new technologies in the microgravity environment of suborbital space.  The backup launch days are March 8 – 12.
Before an instrument or new technology is installed on a spacecraft it should be flight tested and shown that it can operate in the harsh environment of space where it will need to function.
The technologies flying on the Terrier-Improved Orion rocket are the Radiation Tolerant Computer System (RadPC) from Montana State University, Bozeman; the Vibration Isolation Platform (VIP) from Controlled Dynamics, Huntington Beach, California; and Sub-Orbital Aerodynamic Re-entry Experiments-9 (SOAREX-9) from NASA’s Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.
For the RadPC, engineers are looking to increase its technology readiness level by demonstrating it in increasingly challenging space environments.  The system has been tested on commercial high altitude balloons, NASA scientific balloons and commercial suborbital rockets. 
“The computer system uses a novel architecture where spare circuits are brought online to replace other circuits that may have been struck by ionizing radiation,” said principal investigator Brock LaMeres from Montana State.  “The computer is built using off-the-shelf parts so it promises to deliver increased computation at a fraction of the cost of an existing space computer, if we can successfully demonstrate a fault mitigation strategy.”
For the VIP, the flight will demonstrate a vibration isolation device to reduce spacecraft disturbances during microgravity. VIP was also flown on developmental flights on both the space shuttle mission STS-73 and two commercial suborbital rockets.
“The VIP provides a free-floating mounting platform that is completely isolated from the disturbances and vibrations of the host vehicle or other payloads. Non-contact isolation allows the experiment to float freely in the sway space between the host vehicle and the platform,” said principal investigator Scott Green.
“Active stabilization allows the platform to cancel any disturbance from the experiment or connected umbilicals, and allows for precisely controlled acceleration environments uniquely tailored to the mounted payload,” Green said. "For optical payloads, this includes scanning and precision tracking. For g-sensitive research experiments, this includes programmable excitations designed to influence and optimize the research results.”

Much of the SOAREX-9 payload components have evolved from a previous test flight conducted from Wallops in July 2015.
“Wireless Sensor Modules (WSM) are now much smaller and more capable,” said Ames’ principal investigator Marc Murbach. “Also, our camera technology is improved.  In short, this is an incremental test flight of our TechEdSat-5 nano-satellite we plan to deploy from the International Space Station during the summer.”
“SOAREX-9 also will enable us to develop the techniques needed so that when we over-fly Wallops during the TechEdSat-5 mission, we will be able to get optical and WSM data through the downlink directly to the satellite telemetry receivers at Wallops,” Murbach said.
NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate is sponsoring the technologies flown on this flight.
The 448-pound two-stage rocket is predicted to reach 100-miles altitude and impact in the Atlantic Ocean 56 miles from Wallops Island 19 minutes after launch.  Parachute recovery of the payload is planned.
The launch may be seen in the Wallops region from southern Delaware to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.
The NASA Visitor Center at Wallops will be open at 6 a.m. for viewing the launch.
Live coverage of the launch is available via UStream beginning at 6:30 a.m. on launch day. The status also can be followed on launch day on Twitter andFacebook.
The launch is conducted by NASA’s Sounding Rocket Program at Wallops. NASA’s Heliophysics Division manages the sounding rocket program.
Keith Koehler
NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility
Last Updated: March 4, 2016
Editor: Patrick Black
NASA ArmstrongBooster Separation
Nov. 24, 2015

Rocket Launch Demonstrates New Capability for Testing Technologies

Credits: Contributed Video / UP Aerospace
An UP Aerospace rocket launched experiments to flight test for NASA's Flight Opportunities Program from Spaceport America in NM.
An UP Aerospace rocket launched experiments to flight test for NASA's Flight Opportunities Program from Spaceport America in New Mexico.
Credits: Contributed Photo / Spaceport America
An UP Aerospace SpaceLoft sounding rocket soared into the sky Nov. 6 from Spaceport America, New Mexico, carrying four technology experiments for NASA's Flight Opportunities Program that funded the launch of these technologies.
The commercial suborbital space rocket reached a maximum altitude of approximately 75 miles. The experiments were recovered intact 30 miles downrange on the U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range. UP has launched several times from Spaceport but this was the first launch where payloads were ejected separately requiring independent re-entry under individual parachutes into the atmosphere.
"We had a great launch, all the payloads were exposed to the relevant environments that the researchers were seeking," said Paul De Leon, NASA Flight Opportunities Program campaign manager. "The new payload deployment capability from UP Aerospace was successfully demonstrated, opening the opportunity for future entry, descent and landing technologies to be tested and matured under Flight Opportunities."
An UP Aerospace camera captures the separation in space of the Maraia capsule from Nose Fairing launch vehicle.
An UP Aerospace camera captures the separation in space of the Maraia capsule from Nose Fairing launch vehicle.
Credits: Contributed Photo / UP Aerospace
Purdue University tested a new, U.S.-made green propellant that is gaining interest from the rocket industry. The experiment called Zero-gravity Green Propellant Management Technology acquired video data of the new propellant interacting with traditional designs of surface tension propellant management devices in near-weightlessness. 
Building on data from a previous launch, New Mexico State University performed another suborbital test of its Robotics-Base Method for In-Orbit Identification of Spacecraft inertia. The goal of the research is to experimentally test and verify a robotics-based method for on-orbit identification of satellite inactive properties in a microgravity environment.
NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, tested their entry, descent and landing technology for the Maraia Earth Return Capsule. The spacecraft is expected to become an inexpensive, autonomous International Space Station-based vehicle to provide on-demand return of small scientific and engineering payloads, or function as an ISS-deployed entry technology test bed.
An UP Aerospace camera mounted on the launch vehicle shows the Mariai capsule after ejection and  returning to Earth.
An UP Aerospace camera mounted on the launch vehicle shows the Mariai capsule after ejecting and returning to Earth.
Credits: Contributed Photo / UP Aerospace
NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California, tested its Affordable Vehicle Avionics project, a suite of avionics that will provide early verification of new software and hardware for delivering an affordable and capable Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) system and telemetry avionics. The avionics project will be applied to multiple nano-launch vehicles at one percent the cost of current state-of-the-art avionics. Using this new GNC system reduces the cost of launching small payloads into orbit as well as recurring costs of future launches.
The Flight Opportunities Program seeks to advance space technology to meet future mission needs through flight activities that foster the growth of the U.S. commercial spaceflight industry and workforce. NASA will pay for the integration and flight costs for the selected payloads. Limited funds will be provided for other costs to facilitate the flight readiness of these payloads.
Nose fairing camera. view of an UP Aerospace booster separating in space and ejecting the Maraia capsule.
Nose fairing camera. view of an UP Aerospace booster separating in space and ejecting the Maraia capsule.
Credits: Contributed Photo / UP Aerospace
The Flight Opportunities Program, part of NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, is managed at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center at Edwards, California. Ames manages the solicitation and selection of technologies to be tested and demonstrated on commercial flight vehicles. 
For more information on NASA’s Flight Opportunities Program, visit:
Leslie Williams
Armstrong Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif.
Kimberly Williams
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.
Last Updated: Jan. 15, 2016
Editor: Monroe Conner
NASA Armstrongcollage featureing flight opportunities program vehicles.
Nov. 19, 2015

NASA Selects New Technologies for Parabolic Flights and Suborbital Launches

NASA's Flight Opportunities Program has selected eight space technology payloads for reduced gravity flights on board specialized aircraft and commercial suborbital reusable launch vehicles (sRLVs). These flights provide a valuable platform to mature cutting-edge technologies, validating feasibility and reducing technical risks and costs before infusion into future space missions. 
Five of the newly selected proposals requested parabolic flights, which involve a flight maneuver that uses a dramatic half-minute drop of the aircraft though the sky to simulate weightlessness. Two proposed projects will fly on sRLVs for testing during longer periods of weightlessness. An additional payload will fly on both platforms. 
Selected for parabolic flights on aircraft are:
  • “Zero Gravity Mass Measurement Device Parabolic Flight Test” - John Wetzel, principal investigator, Orbital Technologies Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin
  • “Evaluation of the Biosleeve Gesture Control Interface for Telerobotics in Microgravity” –  Christopher Assad, principal investigator, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California
  • “Flight Demonstration of a Gravity-Insensitive, Microchannel Membrane Phase Separator” - Weibo Chen, principal investigator, Creare Inc., Hanover, New Hampshire
  • “PRIME-4.0: Miniaturized and Reusable Asteroid Regolith Microgravity Experiment for Suborbital and Orbital Use” - Josh Colwell, principal investigator, University of Central Florida,  Orlando, Florida
  • “Testing of a Novel IVA (Intra-Vehicular Activity) Space Suit” - Ted Southern, principal investigator, Final Frontier Design, LLC, Brooklyn, New York
  • “Evolved Medical Microgravity Suction Device” - Charles Cuttino, principal investigator, Orbital Medicine, Inc., Midlothian, Virginia
Selected for flights on sRLVs are:
  • “Suborbital Evaluation of an Aqueous Immersion Surgical System for Reduced Gravity” - George Pantalos, principal investigator, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
  • “Suborbital Particle Aggregation and Collision Experiment-2 (SPACE-2)” - Julie Brisset, principal investigator, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
  • “Evolved Medical Microgravity Suction Device” - Charles Cuttino, principal investigator, Orbital Medicine, Inc., Midlothian, Virginia
The selectees’ experiments are expected to take to the skies in 2016 and 2017 on flights with U.S. commercial providers arranged by the proposers. The selected proposals requested parabolic flights from Integrated Spaceflight Services, Inc. and ZeroG Corporation. Suborbital reusable launch vehicle flights were requested from Blue Origin, EXOS Aerospace Systems & Technologies and Virgin Galactic. 
This selection was made through the agency’s Space Technology Mission Directorate Research, Development, Demonstration and Infusion (REDDI) announcement, adding to more than 160 payloads that NASA has chosen for test flights through the Flight Opportunities Program.
The Flight Opportunities Program seeks to advance space technology to meet future mission needs through flight activities that foster the growth of the U.S. commercial spaceflight industry and workforce. NASA will pay for the integration and flight costs for the selected payloads, and limited funds will be provided for other costs to facilitate the flight readiness of these payloads. The next REDDI Flight Opportunities call for proposals will be released in early 2016.
The Flight Opportunities Program, part of NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, is managed at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center at Edwards, California.  NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California, manages the solicitation and selection of technologies to be tested and demonstrated on commercial flight vehicles.